Meet The Team

Mae Macinnes

Mharsanta General Manager

My Name is Mae Macinnes, I am 24 years old and the general manager of Mharsanta Restaurant & Bar. Originally from Dunvegan on the aptly named Eilean a' Cheo (Isle of Mist) better known as the Isle of Skye, when not at work you will often find me enjoying a dram (or six!) annoying the neighbours with my incessant singing, or arguing with strangers on twitter - everyone's favourite secret past time I'm sure!

How did you get into the hospitality sector?

My first job at 13 was in Dunvegan Castle, where for 7 years I worked in the cafe, gift shop and as a castle guide. As one of the busiest tourist attractions in Scotland, it introduced me to fast paced, high quality customer service.

Who inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

I have always been inspired by women who excel in their chosen careers despite the barriers they may face in society. So, although they are not within the hospitality industry itself, they have inspired me to be a strong, resilient, and hardworking individual.

Katherine Hepburn, one of Hollywood's greatest, famous for her refusal to conform to society's idea of what a woman "should" be. She was intelligent, outspoken, loud, wore trousers before it was "fashionable" for women and has always been one of my biggest role models. Even today, hospitality is still largely a male dominated industry, but it is women like her I aspire to. Women that have the ability to shift cultural norms and show that women have always been just as capable as men.

Have you ever been nominated for, or won any industry awards?

Mharsanta was a finalist at last year's Thistle Awards, which was a great experience and a good reminder that hard work really does pay offi

What is the best trip you have been on with for work?

Back in January this year myself and Mel, the general manager of Van Winkle (another one of our venues) had the opportunity to travel to Keith and visit the Strathisla Distillery for the Chivas bartender course. It was two days of learning about the history of the Chivas Brothers, touring the distillery and the Speyside region and of course drinking a lot of whisky (they even have a whisky library - it is amazing!). It was so informative, a lot of fun and for a whisky lover myself, a great couple days to learn about a brand I had not been so familiar with.

What passions do you have outside of work?

I love to sing, and I love to act. I sing in the restaurant regularly with my talented friend Scott on guitar, as we have many live Scottish trad music nights during the summer season as well as night for St Andrews, Robert Burns and the like.

I studied musical theatre at university, but it has been so lovely to get immersed in the world of Scottish folk/trad music. I am an island girl, so grew up sneaking into Ceilidh's and listening to band's like Runrig and Skippinish.

I love the theatre and I love musicals but I think my only shot of ever starring in one would be if someone could write and produce a musical about a someone with two left feet as I dance like a baby deer on ice.

What is your favourite music genre?

I am that cliche person that will say they love a little bit of everything. I would say my music playlists were a bit of organised chaos, a jumble of Jazz, Alt Rock, Musical Theatre, Top 40 Pop, Screamo, House, Rap, Trance & Scottish Trad.

If I had to pick some favourite artists, I would say Peggy Lee, Pixies, Stone Roses, Barbra Streisand, London Grammar and Radiohead.

Do you cook? What is your favourite recipe?

I have grown to love cooking - living with someone who is a bit of a

disaster in the kitchen will do that. There's only so many times someone

can eat questionable chicken or the classic burning hot on the outside,

frozen on the inside.

I don't think I have a favourite recipe, but I like to cook homely, comfort food. My dad was a chef and when I visit it's hard to get him out of the kitchen, but I always manage to get him out long enough to cook up my famous creamy chicken and leek pie with dauphinoise potatoes!

Are you a beer or wine person?

I am an alcohol person, period. I love everything from beer to gin. A great thing about working in a restaurant/bar is the number of different brands you can be introduced to.

I have really enjoyed being able to create my own cocktail menus with the variety of premium Scottish drinks and spirits we have.

What is the craziest thing you have ever done before?

I have performed naked on stage. It was the most terrifying thing I have ever done, but at least stage lights are so ridiculously bright you can't see the hundreds of faces watching you! After that nothing else seems to phase me anymore.

Tell us your favourite quote?

Photography: Martin Shields

“Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised

- Aragorn

It is impossible for me to pick just one favourite quote of all time, but I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan (a Tolkien fan in general) and I find that this quote from Aragorn is relevant in the hospitality industry!

Until you work in a restaurant you never realise the amount of work and effort it takes to make a place run seamlessly.

Sometimes it is the smallest things that have the biggest impact. Just because they may go unnoticed from time to time, does not mean they are any less important .


Glasgow City Music Tours Mar ‘21